

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

How to combat tired aching 'shoppers' feet this holiday

Photo source :  <a href="">Flower And Toes</a> by Petr Kratochvil

We all know that the holidays can really take its toll on your feet, especially since many people dash around like crazy doing serious shopping during the Christmas holidays. Aching feet can really make holiday shopping a nightmare as it tends to make one irritable, thus taking some joy out of what should be a festive mood. There are however, some simple tips you could use to alleviate this common shopping problem.

Remember that it is vital you wear appropriate shoes. It may be the holiday season and you may just have splashed out on a designer pair of high heels, but a trip to the mall to do your holiday shopping is not the right time to try and show them off! Research reveals that high heels puts stress on your lower back, so besides achy feet, you may also have a sore back to add to your list of complaints. Flat shoes, like sneakers are definitely the most sensible shopping option, provided the soles are flexible and that is has adequate arch support. You should definitely avoid slip-on sandals and try to opt for a more supportive sandal, preferably one with a strap around the heels. And do try to avoid wearing shoes that are too narrow at the toes, as that would become a nightmare to walk in for long periods of time.

How to make your own foot spa and pedicure

For those who do not have the time or privilege of having a foot spa treatment , do not worry as you could very easily create your own. All you need are two plastic containers ,water and perhaps some of your own favorite aromatherapy oils if you wish.Fill one container with cold water at approximately 15 degrees Celsius and the other with lukewarm water at approximately 38 degrees Celsius. You may add some of your favorite aromatherapy or foot spa oil to the lukewarm water. Soak your feet in the cold water for a few minutes.Then soak them in the fragrant lukewarm water for a few minutes. Repeat this a few times for optimal results. Towel dry,moisturize and file any rough spots and callouses.Finally clip those toe nails, push back those cuticles and if desired, add a touch of glamor by applying your favorite nail varnish. By Melanie Fourie


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